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The Pride logo filled with a collage of personal training clients.


The Hunt

The endless pursuit to be better and live with confidence. In a world fixated on the end result, ‘The Hunt’ represents the journey. A man who loves walking will walk farther than the man who loves the destination. 




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The Pride is home to the best 1 on 1 Personal Trainers on The North Shore. In an industry obsessed with large group training, we cater for the introverts, specializing in one on one training and Personal Training Pods (Max 4 people). We may not be the biggest, and we might not be the cheapest, but we are the people you come to last because you won’t ever need to ‘try’ again.



 Max 4 people per session.

The best of both worlds:

The privacy & support of personal training, plus the community and accountability of small group.


When it comes to 1 on 1 we are the best in the business. Period.

We've created the most effective and enjoyable one on one training experience in New Zealand.


Eat the food you love AND have the body of your dreams.


Our Co owner Mel is currently studying to be a nutritionist at the world renowned MNU.


Sick of feeling judged at a big 24/7 gym? Same.


The Pride is a  studio with all the results and none of the judgement.


Like humans, A lion is nothing without its pride.


The pride is our family, and we treat every pride member as extended family members. 


With thousands of hours under their belts, locals Samu & Mel (our owners and founders) are dedicated to creating something special with The Pride.


Learn more about ‘Our Story’


Do you help with nutrition? Yes we do. Everyone is different, so our approach to nutrition can’t be explained without an individual consultation. But in general, we avoid restrictive dieting and focus on creating healthy relationships with food that will outlive the fad diets you’ve probably already tried (and failed to stick to). In fact, our head coach Mel is studying to be a nutritionist at the world renowned MNU, the most up to date evidence based course in the world that focuses heavily on the latest research, and practical application.

Do you write set meal plans? Meal plans are great at creating quick results… That don’t last. Very rarely will they provide the education and flexibility needed for sustainable results. And because we’re the last people you’ll ever need to come to as you won’t ever have to ‘start again’, we don’t provide meal plans.

What type of training do you do? HIIT, strength, cardio? This depends on the individual, their goals and what they enjoy. In the first session we’ll sit down and map out a full plan of attack. This plan will show you exactly what needs to be done to get you from where you are, to where you want to be. But yes, we do strength HIIT, cardio, boxing. In general, most people find the most benefit from strength training (alongside some nutritional guidance).

Do you do boxing/kickboxing? Yes. Coach Mel fought competitively in kick boxing for 10 years (and currently has been competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 5 years) and has a real passion for helping beginners get fit through boxing & kick boxing. Martial arts gyms are intimidating, so Mel bridges the gap for those wanting to give it a go.

If I do 1 on 1 training, is nutrition help included or an extra cost? For now, as long as you’re a member of The Pride, nutritional help is all included in the training - so make the most of it!

I am extremely unfit and haven’t exercised in years, is that ok? Of course! We go at a pace that suits you. We’ve trained everyone, from a few people who were very obese and working towards eliminating type 2 diabetes, to 70 year old woman strength training to strengthen their bones as they age. No matter what your situation, we have a place for you at The Pride.

How long are the training sessions? We do both 30 min & 45 min sessions. In general, the 30 min sessions are either strength or cardio, and 45 minute sessions are a mix of both.

How much does this cost? We work on a weekly membership basis. The price of your membership depends on what is best suited for your goal and how often you’d like to train per week, and if you’d prefer 30 min or 45 min sessions. To find out our prices flick us an email :)

Do you have experience working with injuries? Yes we do! Head Coach Samu has had 5 knee surgeries and is a guru for working around injuries. Important note: We aren’t physios. We can help you strengthen your body to prevent future injuries, but we aren’t qualified to write you a rehab program. However, we regularly work together with our members' physios, chiropractors and doctors to create the best plan of attack for our individual members.

What times do you operate? Depending on availability: Monday - Friday: 530am - 7pm Saturday: 700am - 11am

How much weight will I lose per week? This is a hard one, because like everything, it depends. It depends on your current physical situation, how committed you are to training and nutrition and your current environment. Instead of obsessing over the scale, we prefer to help people fall in love with ‘The Hunt’. What’s the hunt? Check out the front page of our website to find out.

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Not sure what to eat? What exercises you should be doing? Or sick of hearing all the conflicting information the internet throws at you? Then this newsletter is for you.

We spend hours every week putting together:
  • A real story (with a hidden health & fitness lesson)
  • A study (broken down & easy to understand)
  • A recommendation 
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